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    Мультфильмы с кинофестивалей


    Работа/Хоббистихи ру, вк, вконтакте

    Сообщение   31st Октябрь 2015, 17:54

    Мультфильмы с кинофестивалей Oiaf_logo_2015
    About OIAF 2015

    From September 16-20, downtown Ottawa is the stage where you can enjoy the world's most cutting-edge, thoughtful, funny and provocative animation films while mingling with many of animation's most celebrated stars, studios and characters.

    16-20 сентября в даунтауне Оттавы место где вы можете получить удовольствие от мирового искусства мультипликации знаменитых студий.

    Whether you love classic cartoons, mind-bending experiments, fantastic digital creations, dazzling effects, technical fireworks, thought provoking observations, or pure gut-busting fun, there is something for everyone and anyone at the Ottawa International Animation Festival (OlAF).

    For 39 years, the OlAF has attracted film and animation buffs, art lovers and filmmakers from around the globe. You won't want to miss this year's exciting line-up of screenings, workshops, panels and parties taking place at the ByTowne Cinema, National Gallery of Canada, Arts Court, Saint Brigid's Centre for the Arts, and
    the Chateau Laurier.

    международный фестиваль мультпликации в Оттаве, Канада

    ВИДЕО ОНЛАЙН (далее везде).....о муравье и тадж махале -СанктПетербург


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